23 December 2022



Website: www.susteng.tuc.gr


Dear friends and colleagues,

I am pleased to invite you to the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Chemical and Environmental Engineering (SUSTENG 2023), which will be held in Limassol, Cyprus, between 14th to 18th June 2023.

The conference is organized by the "Design of Environmental Processes Laboratory", of the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete and the Cyprus University of Technology​.

The SUSTENG 2023 Conference will take place both with physical and virtual presence.

After the completion of the conference, all abstracts/full papers will be published in the SUSTENG 2023 Conference Proceedings with ISBN number, while selected manuscripts will be published to at least two Special Issues at high IF scientific journals (more information will be released soon).

Please see the attached file for keydates and registration fees.

The Registration - Submission - Payment Portal is now open. Please, visit the following link: congress.spirito.gr/auth/register


Looking forward to seeing you at the conference,


Petros Gikas,


Conference Chair

Head of the "Design of Environmental Processes Lab"

School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Technical University of Crete, Greece


Website: www.susteng.tuc.gr

Email: secretariat.susteng@tuc.gr